Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Training Day 1

Yesterday was the first day of training. Had a introduction from Kevin George the country director. Can see why he is held in high esteem. He is a former lawyer and peace negotiator. Measured, easy going, trustful. We had a lovely luncheon with local foods. Laplap, fruits, veggies, fish, pork chops and local string band. Talked with a few staff. Matthew, Relvie (very sharp), June and Resneth. Delightful people. After lunch we had introduction to medical training and medical kits with Jane Laycock. Aussie RN and her 13 year old daughter as a helper. She is a very realistic person. She’s fun too.
Got on line and read a few emails and responded. Dom’s most interesting. Mustn’t worry about him. Checked bank statement. Money in but must have Kevin pay the overdraft. So I emailed him. Hope he responds. I love that kid to pieces. I hope he grows from our separation.
I ventured home alone. First time to be by myself. It felt good. Read, played with iTunes and then Evan returned a bit of pizza for me. Very nice. We then talked of people here. Judging and evaluating. Couple of psychologists. Like him a lot. Went to bed very early. 9PMish. Awoke early too of course around 5:30. Its still raining, lots of birds, dogs, and now traffic.
The cold shower is half bearable Fell clean. Wonder if in the village I will have the same experience. From conversation with Relvie I have feeling I’ll be going to Tanna. We shall see.

1 comment:

J said...

Dale...This is good to read and learn what is in your head. I can imagine you talking about this in my office, but it is much more amazing knowing that your are in the middle of the Pacific experiencing all this. But some of it does sound like the way people talk in therapy. Anyway, I am happy to be getting your blog and really look forward to hearing more. In many ways I can relate...Dutch